Homeopathy Cheshire

(MSc, BSc Hons, PGCE, RSHom, ANutr)

Tel: 01244 312727


The Signs of Food Intolerance

Food intolerances are on the rise and are thought to be responsible for a range of health problems that are severely affecting the quality of people's lives. With many Gps finding it hard to identify symptoms caused by food intolerances they often refer patients for a variety of tests to rule out any serious cause to symptoms. This is a great starting point, but if these tests prove to be negative although you are left feeling relieved on one hand, many are also left feeling frustrated and at a loss with what they can do next to determine the cause of their symptoms.

With good old Google at our fingertips many people search for answers to their symptoms on the internet, which of course can have many pros and cons. However it is during this research that many people may come to the conclusion that their symptoms may have a dietary link. According to the National Institutes for Health and the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, 30 million people in the USA have a food intolerance. This number is five times higher than those suffering from a food allergy. Due to this high statistic many healthcare professionals now consider food intolerance to be a more serious health problem than all food allergies put together.

So how do you know if your symptoms may be associated with a food intolerance? There are many health problems and symptoms that could potentially indicate you have a food intolerance. About 65% of people I tend to see in my clinic have come with some sort of digestive disturbance such as bloating, heartburn, stomach pain or bowel disturbances. However food intolerances don't just affect your digestive system and can cause other common symptoms such as headaches, migraines, skin rashes including eczema and urticaria, sinus problems, asthma as well as negatively effecting energy levels and inhibiting weight loss.

People can live in discomfort for years before seeking help or associating food intolerance with their symptoms. If you have visited your Gp, had blood tests, seen specialists and still have no answers to what's causing your symptoms there is a possibility you may be one of the many people suffering from food intolerance. If you are still not sure, you can always try keeping a food diary and recording when your symptoms are at their worst. Often with food intolerance, symptoms can be aggravated after eating even as soon as half an hour after consuming the 'culprit food' but symptoms can also develop after a few hours of eating. It is important to know the difference between a food allergy and food intolerance because although there are similarities there are also distinct differences. Check out this table which will help you identify the difference between the two and may even help associate your health concerns and symptoms with food.