Homeopathy Cheshire

(MSc, BSc Hons, PGCE, RSHom, ANutr)

Tel: 01244 312727

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Allergy Testing

What is tested for?

A range of items but primarily food based products.

A whole range of items are tested for during the consultation, although it consists primarily of food based products. We offer two tests, a full test and a half test, the difference between them being the amount of items which are tested for.

The Full Test (1 hour) tests for the following items:

•  A wide variety of food products
•  Alcohol
•  Chemicals
•  E-numbers (preservatives, flavour enhancers, artificial sweeteners, colourings)
•  Animal hairs (dog and cat)
•  Airborne substances e.g. pollen
•  Vitamin & mineral deficiency

The Half Test (30 minutes) tests for the following items:

•   Limited but common range of food products (includes dairy, wheat, common fruit and vegetables, meat and fish)


quote-l Food allergy and food intolerances are responsible for many chronic and misdiagnosed ailments and unexplained health problems quote-r

(Brostoff and Gamlin)
symptoms of Food intolerance

Many symptoms can be a possible sign of food intolerance.
Some of the common signs and symptoms are:

•   Abdominal bloating and/or pain

•   IBS type symptoms

•   Migraine/headaches

•   Skin symptoms e.g. Eczema, rashes

•   Lethargy/low energy

•   Inability to lose weight

•   Sinus problems

Food Intolerance - How common is it?
The exact prevalence of food intolerance is difficult to determine as many people will not always associate their symptoms as being caused by something they are eating and may therefore never be told they have a food intolerance. However according to the National Institutes for Health and the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, 30 million people in the USA have a food intolerance. This number is five times higher than those suffering from a food allergy so we know that food intolerance is a BIG problem which affects the quality of daily living for those affected. Some research has shown that food intolerance is most prevalent in children but that this is often 'grown out of' as they get older. Regardless of your age if you think your symptoms could be worsened or caused by something you are eating a simple test could at least rule this theory in or out and could make living a whole lot easier!!!
